The metal and electrical industries are key to the Germany economy. Many millions of jobs depend directly and indirectly on the production of machinery, equipment, vehicles, aircraft, ships, etc.
The contract negotiations starting this week for the approximately 3.8 million employees in
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As wildfire occurrences have increased, as do the pollutants from burned watersheds in th
Remember that moment in that Avengers movie where the purple dude with a scrote for a chin snaps his fingers and makes half of the universe disintegrate? Imagine that scene, just with a bunch of unwitting extras staring off into the distance and turning into pixelated dust rendered by a Ninten
A new business intelligence report released by JCMR with Paper Machine Systems Report has abilities to raise as the most significant market worldwide as it has remained playing a remarkable role in establishing progressive impacts on the universal economy. The Paper Machine Systems r
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Due to a recent agreement between the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and Chinese securities regul
The logo of the International Atomic Energy Agency is seen at IAEA headquarters during a board of governors meeting in Vienna, Austria, June 7, 2021. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger//
VIENNA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - China clashed with the countries in the so-called AUKUS alliance at the U.N. nucl
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Organs—like the heart, brain, and kidneys—are complex structures made up of a combination of different cells that work cooperatively to perform specific functions. For example, around 70 distinct types of cells work together in the human eye to enable our visual perception. How do differen
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